Hub Help

Overview Dashboard

The overview dashboard provides a single-page summary for each customer assigned to your account.

On the List View, customer cards show high-level insights for each customer.

Customer Information

Customer information


  • Transaction activity and caught percentage



  • Line chart showing volume



  • Semicircle donut chart showing ID failures, expired, and bad formats.


Select the customer card right arrow to see a dashboard for that customer.

Customer card

Customer Dashboard

The customer dashboard provides granular detail of transaction data. It is divided into two areas.

The upper area of the page shows customer totals for the selected timeframe.

Customer totals

The remainder of the page shows various charts that can help you discover trends in the data. Each of these charts is described below.

Transaction Results

Transaction results is a time-based line chart for three result types: Pass, Unrecognized, and Unprocessable.

Refer to this chart to see daily trends for transaction results. You can identify trends over time, and compare totals between result types. This chart also shows the total number of transactions over time.

Select the percentage view to see transaction totals as a percent change from one day to the next. For example, if total transactions equaled 100 on the first day, and 110 on the second day, the percent view shows a 10-percent increase.

Document Type Usage

Document type usage is a pie chart for document types during the selected timeframe. Document types are shown as percentages of the total.

Refer to this chart to quickly identify the most-used document type during the selected timeframe. It is also useful for comparison purposes.

It is not unusual to see only one document type that comprises 100% of this chart. This would be the case if your business authenticates only one form of ID, for example, a driver's license. Similarly, if you expect to see only driver's license, but you instead see other document types, then this could indicate that customer associates may have selected the wrong document type in Portal.

The Document Type Usage chart does not reflect presentation mistakes made by the end user. In other words, this chart would not include a Passport count for a case when the end user erroneously presented a passport booklet for a transaction that was intended to authenticate a Driver's License. The chart would count the transaction as a Driver's License because the requested document type was driver's license.

User Demographic

User demographic is a bar chart for transaction count by user demographic. Demographic data includes gender and age group. Bars are sorted from top to bottom according to age group. For each gender, the largest bar represents the age group with the highest transaction count over the selected timeframe.

Refer to this chart to quickly see the most numerous age group in each gender category.

Demographic data is compiled from completed transactions where ID document data included age and gender. ID documents that do not include this data are excluded from the chart totals, as well as incomplete transactions, or complete transactions that did not successfully decode demographic data.

Barcode Unrecognized by Jurisdiction

Barcode unrecognized by jurisdiction is a bar chart for the count of unknown barcodes according to jurisdiction. Bars are sorted from top to bottom according to transaction count. The largest bar is always on top. It represents the jurisdiction with the highest barcode unknown count.

Refer to this chart to see the jurisdictions that returned a Document Unknown result code for the selected timeframe. A document unknown result can mean several things. In all cases, it means we did not authenticate the barcode. However, this does not always mean the document is a fake ID. It can be interpreted as follows:

  • The barcode is unrecognized as a government-issued ID.

  • It is a government-issued ID that we are currently unable to process for a specific reason, such as the following:

    • The document barcode is from a foreign country.

    • The document barcode is not from a foreign country, but it is completely new and will likely be supported in the near future.

    • The document barcode data appears to be from a government-issued ID, but we detected a problem. This could mean the document is fake.

Expired Barcode Recognized

Expired barcode recognized is a stacked bar chart for two measures:

  • Total Barcode Recognized

  • Total Expired

These two measures are used to derive the Percent Expired data points.

Refer to this chart to see the number of processed but expired barcodes found each day for the selected timeframe. This chart can help identify days when you process a larger percentage of expired IDs.

The Total Expired value does not represent failed authentication results. Total Expired indicates the number of successfully processed ID documents with an elapsed expiration date.

The chart shows daily transactions that return a Document Process OK result, which means the barcode was processed. The chart breaks out expired barcodes from that total. For example, if a driver's license was processed but expired, then it is included in the chart. But if a driver's license is not processed (for example, if it returned a Document Unknown result), then it is not included in the chart.

Last modified: 03 October 2024