Hub Help

Add Customer

You can add a customer to Hub. The customer is assigned an ID, and customer details appear in the Manger Customers table.

Add customer

  1. Select the gear icon.

  2. Search for the account to which the customer belongs.

  3. In the Actions column, click Edit Account Edit account. The Account details page appears.

  4. Select the Customers tab.

  5. Click Add Customer.

  6. In Create Customer, enter the following information:

    • Customer name.

    • Email address. A customer contact email address.

    • Phone contact. A customer contact phone number.

    • Account. This is the account to which the customer is assigned.

    • Intellicheck Customer ID. An ID for tracking customer transactions.

  7. Select a Portal version. This will affect the results page appearance.

    • Portal V1 for the prior-generation results page.

    • Portal V2 for the new-generation results page.

  8. Click Create. The customer is added to the account.

Create customer
Last modified: 03 October 2024